About the Program

While the maritime sector is growing rapidly in our country, this growth has also become inevitable in the field of shipbuilding. The number of shipyards where ships are built in our country has doubled in the last 14 years. A total of approximately 250 new ships are launched every year in the Yalova Altınova and Istanbul Tuzla shipyards region. Thanks to these new ships joining the maritime fleet, both the Turkish fleet and the world fleet are growing, and the qualified intermediate staff needed by the sector is increasing. Ship-borne emission limitations imposed on member countries by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) force member countries to redesign the ships in their fleets. For this reason, like every maritime country, our country's deficit in trained shipbuilding technicians is growing in order to catch up with the requirements of the age in constantly developing ship technologies. It is aimed to open the Shipbuilding Program in order to train qualified intermediate personnel needed by the sector in order to design and build the small and large-scale ships that our region and country need, and to adapt current scientific and technological developments to marine sciences.